

  • by Toshiya
  • March 31, 2023

この度、ファンの皆さんのおかげでDIR EN GREYは結成25周年を無事終えて、新たなフェーズに向かうにあたり自分も新たな一歩を踏み出そうと思い「utakata」を立ち上げる運びとなりました。




Hi, it’s Toshiya.
Thanks to all our fans, DIR EN GREY has celebrated its 25th anniversary and it’s moving towards a new phase. I wanted to do the same opening “utakata”.
From now on, I'd like to share small pieces about my personal life, what I’m doing and so on here on “utakata”.
It’s the first time for me to make this kind of contents, and I’ll need to figure out how to do this, but I’d appreciate if you can follow me all along.

Ok, let’s talk about this column... Well, maybe it’s more like an essay? But anyways, I have no idea what I should talk about. Actually, I’ve been stubbornly avoiding sharing anything personal up until now, but now that we ended a chapter with the band’s 25th anniversary, I have the feeling that’s time for me to face up to you all, and this feeling has been growing for some years.
I know this may sound as an excuse, but I’m going to open myself up even though it’s a little bit embarrassing for me since I’ve always been saying I’d never do such things.
I’m sure there’ll be different opinions and thoughts about this, and to be honest, I have the naive hope that you’ll forgive my selfishness, and even if someone may think I’m doing this for money, this is nothing more than my personal "utakata".
I’m kind of a lazy person, so everything may end up lacking initiative, but I’d be happy to make this a place where we can spend some time together.

Ok, this is just a prelude, but if you’re curious about this please make a click to join!
