
西新宿BAR ZERO / BAR ZERO, Nishi-Shinjuku

  • by Toshiya
  • October 15, 2023

劇場版シティーハンター 天使の涙(エンジェルダスト)を元マネージャー井上氏と新橋いずみのアキラと3人で観に行き、そのまま3人で西新宿のBAR ZEROに行って来ました。



お店はROCK BARなので、音がうるさいです。



I went to watch the movie CITY HUNTER Angel's Tears (Angel Dust) with our former manager Inoue and Akira of Shinbashi Izumi, and then the three of us went to BAR ZERO in Nishi-Shinjuku.

The bar is owned by Natsu, a friend of mine from my school days. Akira, Natsu, and I used to have a band in our hometown Nagano.

I believe it’s not that common for some people to be from the same hometown, all the same age, be in the same band and now work hard on each one’s activities in Tokyo, so it is a real treasure for me.

The bar is a rock bar, so it is quite noisy.

If you like music and want to have a drink while having a good time, please come and have fun!
