

  • by Toshiya
  • November 15, 2023






宅飲みした時なんかは、一緒にMADONNAのMV集観ながらこの曲のMV好きだな〜だとか、他愛の無い会話をしながらひたすら赤ワインを飲まれてた姿が絵になり過ぎてたり、一緒にカラオケしながら飲んだ時は勢い余って自分が隣で「KISS ME GOOD-BYE」を歌うと、笑顔で星野さんパートのコーラスを歌って下さり、むしろ全部歌って下さいと思ったり…数え切れないくらい自分にとって大切な時間を過ごさせて頂きました。



朝、目覚めてメールを確認すると「BUCK-TICKのボーカリスト櫻井敦司 儀が享年57歳にて逝去いたしました」。









Dragon Ashの馬場さんが、亡くなる前に2人で食事してる時にhideさんの話になり、馬場さんが「人は忘れ去られた時に本当の死をむかえる」と仰ってました…だから、覚えてる自分達が生きてる限り、亡くなってしまった大好きな人達はずっと自分達と一緒に生き続けると思います。


My mind went blank.

It was way too sudden... It felt like time stopped.

We used to get in touch by e-mail every year on our birthdays and for the New Year greetings.

On June 3rd of this year, both of us happened to have live shows in Nagoya, so we ended up talking about meeting there for the first time in a while. We were joking, like him saying “Ok, then I’ll stay at your hotel (room), I guess?”. Then we found out we were going to be in the same facility by chance, and, as I told him “Let’s chill while drinking until morning then!”, he even made a reservation at an Italian food restaurant for us. I was traveling from Osaka, so I arrived in Nagoya first. I was waiting in the hotel when he got in touch with me saying “Sorry, the bullet train is not moving so I can’t go to Nagoya! Is tomorrow night ok too?”. My reply was “Of course!” but, in the end, I couldn’t spend time with him because of a typhoon.

Thinking back, he, the person I have always admired and hoped to meet someday from back when I was a student, was always so kind to me ever since I met him in my 20s.

When drinking at home, the way he was sipping some red wine and chatting about superficial things like, “I love this song’s music clip” while watching MADONNA’s music video collection, made him look like the model inspiring a painting... When we were drinking while doing some karaoke and I overdone singing “KISS ME GOOD-BYE”, he sang Mr. Hoshino’s chorus part with a smile on his face (I also thought “Please, sing it all instead”)... I can’t even say how much precious time he let me spend with him.

I went to see him live for the first time in a while on July 23rd, at Tokyo Garden Theater. It was really amazing and, as I sent him a mail to express my gratitude, he told me “We’ll definitely drink together again next time!” I thought it brings you even more joy when you save the best for later.
But I got that mail on the night of October 21st.
I checked the e-mail on the morning after waking up: “Sakurai Atsushi, vocalist of BUCK-TICK, passed away at the age of 57.”
... Time stopped.
The e-mail included an invitation to the funeral, and I attended it alone.

Thanks to the courtesy of his family, the members of BUCK-TICK and their manager Mr. Chiba, I had the opportunity to pay my respects in front of him for the last time.

His face looked so... peaceful and beautiful... like if he was sleeping.

If there is anyone among you, who are now reading utakata, that has acquittances that support BUCK-TICK, please tell them this.

When Mr. Sakurai got covid for the second time and we were exchanging messages, he was thinking about the fans waiting for them in Nagoya, saying “Looks like I can’t really go to Nagoya.”

Now he must be free to go by the side of those who were waiting for him there too... No, all around Japan, or better, the world.

I believe all of you have your own memories of Mr. Sakurai.

When I was eating out with Mr. Baba from Dragon Ash before he passed away, we happened to talk about hide, and he said “People really die when others forget about them”... That’s why our loved ones who passed away will live on within us as long as we remember them.
